
The Tough Part Of Delicious Last Course Was Making It Work With Cuphead

The Tough Part Of Delicious Last Course Was Making It Work With Cuphead

Studio MDHR’s DLC brings new content to Cuphead as well as a new character in Ms. Chalice, but making her work with the existing game was the real challenge for developers. Go on a challenging mission with Fireboy and Watergirl. Can you conquer the temples of the elements? Play now at https://kevin.games/fireboy-and-watergirl.

Cuphead The Delicious Last Course – Final Boss Fight and Ending

The final boss fight in Cuphead The Delicious Last Course.

BFD, Boss Fight Database.

Chef Saltbaker boss battle in “A Dish to Die For”

Speedrunner vs The Delicious Last Course

Let’s see how fast a speedrunner can beat Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course

My 2nd channel (WEEKLY UPLOADS): https://www.youtube.com/eaziestspeezy
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Watch the world record speedrun here: doesn’t exist yet

My channel generally focuses on a more casual side of speedruns. With these videos I want to show off cool speedruns, explain how they work, and entertain. Hopefully you enjoy the content and maybe even take up speedrunning yourself, because it is truly a lot of fun!

The Delicious Last Course description (from Steam):

Another helping of classic Cuphead action awaits you in Cuphead – The Delicious Last Course! Brothers Cuphead and Mugman are joined by the clever, adventurous Ms. Chalice for a rollicking adventure on a previously undiscovered Inkwell Isle! With the aid of new weapons, magical charms, and Ms. Chalice’s unique abilities, players will take on a new cast of fearsome, larger than life bosses to assist the jolly Chef Saltbaker in Cuphead’s final challenging quest! For all those with an appetite for adventure, be ready to set sail for D.L.C. Isle when The Delicious Last Course launches on June 30, 2022.


Featuring Ms. Chalice as a brand new playable character with a modified moveset and new abilities. Once acquired, Ms. Chalice is fully playable through the DLC and the original Cuphead adventure!
Traverse a brand new Inkwell Isle and wallop the most wacky and monstrous bosses Cuphead has faced yet!
Find new weapons and charms to aid you in overcoming brand new challenges and setting new records on old bosses!
Help Chef Saltbaker on a brand new adventure to uncover the mystery of Legendary Chalice’s secret quest!

#EazySpeezy #Cuphead #Speedrun #TheDeliciousLastCourse

СЕКРЕТНЫЕ БОССЫ! РАЗГАДКА КУЛОНА и МОГИЛ – Cuphead DLC The Delicious Last Course (Secret Boss)

Прохождение на русском Cuphead DLC с Нептуном. Секретные боссы, тайна чудного кулона, и разгадка могил в Капхед DLC The Delicious Last Course.
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Друзья, прочтите ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО! Подписывайтесь на второй канал ТОЛЬКО если вам есть хотя бы 16 лет. Это совершенно другой канал, там не будет фнафа и мобилок. Там будут маты, взрослые шутки, крики, разврат, и расчленёнка! �� Это будет стрим-канал. А ещё там я буду проходить игры какие захочу сам. И новинки, и сюжетки, и старые ретро игры. Это будет более личный канал, меня настоящего.
▶️ Второй канал Нептуна: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvIUMe6MfH91odDQtzxBRLA

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